Friday 26 November 2021

Award Ceremony, The RMS 125th Exhibition.


The Royal Society of Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers is now underway at the Mall Gallery in London. Yesterday I was delighted to receive two awards for my paintings including the best set award. You can read more about them and the Exhibition on my blog Acornmoon. The Exhibition runs until 5th December 2021. The photograph above shows myself and the Society's President Ray Winder PRMS.

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Spring News

I am delighted to learn that this years Hilliard Society's annual exhibition of miniature paintings will go ahead this year in June.
The above painting is one of my contribution to this years event and you can visit the show for free.
Full details are on the society's website

Some of my miniature paintings have been licensed to Pattern Weights. These are small but highly decorative metal weights used by dressmakers to hold pattern pieces instead of pins. You may have noticed such weights being used on the popular TV series The Sewing Bee.
You can see designs here My Pattern Weights

Wednesday 13 January 2021

A New Year and a New Lockdown.


I have been getting back to my roots and playing around with pattern design.

Stay safe everyone, stay warm.